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July 10th to July 12th, 2023
Coming soon
Ecole de Chirurgie de Nancy - Hopital Virtuel de Lorraine
Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Lorraine, FRANCE.
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Acquire the fundamentals techniques of robotic surgery
Manage to handle the robot in a secure way for both the patient and the surgical team
Learn the limits and indications of robotic surgery
Apprehend the cooperation skills needed for surgeon/assistant interactions
The trainees will be introduced to the concept of robotic surgery with a few lectures by senior robotic surgeon and indications, know-how and technical considerations will be discussed. Operational knowledge on the organization of the OR and the handling of the robot will also be dispensed.
Then, workshops will be held all week for trainees to discover and practice the fundamental skills for robotic surgery with the help of simulator, microsurgery equipment and a wet-lab practical session. A follow-up document will help the trainees to work on their strengths and weakness with specific scores to reach for each essential and advanced robotic skills.
Furthermore, the VIT crew will monitor the progression of every trainees to help them get to their maximum potential.